The teeth are the hardest substances in the human body. Lower teeth are located on Mandibular bone and uppers located on Palatine bone of our body.
A normal adult mouth has 32 teeth, which (except for wisdom teeth) have erupted by about age 13.
A normal adult mouth has 32 teeth, which (except for wisdom teeth) have erupted by about age 13.
- Chewing, Mastication
- Helpers in Speech
Parts (Anatomy):
- Enamel: The hardest, white outer part of the tooth. Enamel is mostly made of calcium-phosphate, a rock-hard mineral.
- Dentin: A layer underlying the enamel. It is a hard tissue that contains microscopic tubes. When the enamel is damaged, heat or cold can enter the tooth through these paths and cause sensitivity or pain.
- Pulp: The softer, living inner structure of teeth. Blood vessels and nerves run through the pulp of the teeth.
- Cementum: A layer of connective tissue that binds the roots of the teeth firmly to the gums and jawbone.
- Periodontal ligament: Tissue that helps hold the teeth tightly against the jaw.
Names Of Your Teeth:
- Incisors (8 total): The middlemost four teeth on upper and lower jaws.
- Canines (4 total): The pointed teeth just outside the incisors.
- Premolars (8 total) teeth between the canines and molars.
- Molars (8 total): Flat teeth in the rear of the mouth, bed grinding food.
- Wisdom teeth (3rd molar)(4 total): these teeth erupt at around age 18, but are often removed by surgery to prevent displacements of other teeth.
Facts About Your Teeth That You Don't Know:
Teeth Conditions and Problems:
- Cavities (caries): Bacteria evade removal by brushing and saliva and damage the enamel and deeper structures of teeth. Most cavities occur on molars and premolars.
- Tooth decay: A general name for disease of the teeth, including cavities.
- Peridontitis: Inflammation of the deeper structures of the teeth (periodontal ligament, jawbone, and cementum). Poor oral hygiene is usually to blame.
- Gingivitis: Inflammation of the surface portion of the gums, around and between the crowns of the teeth. Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gingivitis.
- Plaque: A sticky, colorless film made of bacteria and the substances they secrete. Plaque develops quickly on teeth after eating sugary food, but can be easily brushed off.
- Tartar: If plaque is not removed, it mixes with minerals to become tartar, a harder substance. Tartar requires professional cleaning for removal.
- Overbite: The upper teeth protrude significantly over the lower teeth.
- Underbite: The lower teeth protrude significantly past the upper teeth.
- Teeth Grinding (bruxism): Stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders can cause teeth grinding, usually during sleep. A dull headache or sore jaw can be symptoms.
- Tooth sensivity: When one or more teeth become sensitive to hot or cold, it may mean the dentin is exposed.
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